kettlebells in elkridge md

Kettlebell Classes

Groundgame offers group Kettlebell instruction in Elkridge for men and women. Kettlebells are often referred to as the one handed gym because they are all you need to get fit, strong and healthy. Our instructors are certified and experienced professionals that are there to help you learn how to use kettlebells properly and safely.

Unlike traditional weight training programs designed to build bulky muscles, our kettlebell program uses interval based training that reinforces proper body mechanics. This class will improve strength and conditioning for all sports and deliver intense fat burning results.

BMAA Kettlebell classes keep your entire core engaged for maximal functional results as well as rapid weight loss. Because kettlebell motions originate in the hips and strengthen the shoulder capsule, they translate into direct improvements in martial arts and other sports, plus they help protect against sports injury. The program itself goes far beyond what simple cardiovascular exercise can do, by reaching into the anaerobic zone. This type of interval training program yields the fastest weight loss results possible for any exercise program.

Classes are led by CSCS & Strong First Certified Kettlebell Instructor Danyelle Berger. She keeps classes moving while insuring safe use of this amazing fitness tool. Classes are for men and women. We provide all of the equipment required for class including kettlebells ranging from 14 to 80 pounds.

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Kettlebells in Catonsville

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Groundgame is a new BJJ Academy & BJJ Instructional publishing company. Our first product launched in February 2015 and a lot more is coming. Check our our Parent Company Reviews. Thank you for your support!
-- Gary Berger, Groundgame

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